City Data Slam
City Data Slam brings together leading national and international data art practitioners over the last weekend of ISEA2013 to jam with Sydney’s sustainability data at Object Gallery in Surry Hills, Sydney.
City Data Slam is a key component of the City of Sydney and Carbon Arts’ project Sensing Sydney: communicating sustainability through the arts, open data and public space. City Data Slam and Sensing Sydney challenge digital artists to work with real-time data to assist communities, businesses and organisations in reaching the City’s ‘Sustainable Sydney 2030 vision’.
City Data Slam took place during ISEA2013 at Object Gallery in Sydney. Twelve leading data engaged artists were invited to jam over 3 days, producing concepts and prototypes to encourage smarter and greener citizenship. The Slam closed with a special, public event on Sunday, 16 June where the results of the Slam were showcased, followed by an announcement of Sensing Sydney’s winning public art commission, Building Run 2013.
Divergent Minds created a podcast with interviews and insights from behind the scenes at the Data Slam. Click here to tune in! And for the full publication of all the outcomes, click here.
Location Object Gallery
Start Date 20/6//14/0 Start End 20/6//16/0 Time 9-5pm