CROSS(X) SPECIES Documentary Screening
We have just completed a documentary film about our cross species adventure last November with artist Natalie Jeremijenko and chef Mihir Desai. Join us for a special screening of the Cross(x) Species Adventure Club: Australian Safari at Loop Bar in Melbourne’s CBD. The film takes us on a journey from rural Victoria to the Melbourne Museum with Natalie and Mihir and all their eccentric collaborators – human and non-human – as they seek to invent new dishes that reinvent our relationship with other species. All proceeds go to cover the costs of the film’s production.
Credits: Produced by Carli Leimbach and Jodi Newcombe | Directed and Edited by Sarah-Jane Woulahan | Cinematography by Vanessa Cox | Sound Recording by Marcus Buttigieg
Location Loop Bar
Date 20/8//15/0 Time 6pm